Perceptions of Hatcheries

(2022 - present)

The focus of this research is on understanding public perceptions of salmonid hatcheries from fishers and identifying subgroups with similar beliefs about hatcheries. The study is premised on the idea that understanding where people are coming from – their existing beliefs and experiences – is critical for effective communication. To study perceptions of hatcheries, this project focuses on two primary audiences: Tribal communities and non-Tribal fishing communities.

Meet the Team

  • Dr. Kelly Biedenweig

    Principal Investigator

    Professor at Oregon State University

  • Dr. Megan Jones

    Principal Investigator

    Professor at Oregon State University

  • Dr. Brian Erickson

    Principal Investigator

    Post-doc Scholar at Oregon State University

  • Dr. Samantha Chisholm-Hatfield

    Principal Investigator

    Professor at Oregon State University

The study uses semi-structured interviews focusing on fisher perceptions and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. In 2024, the researchers completed interviews with non-tribal fishing communities and began interviews with Tribal members, which will conclude in March 2025. While the findings from this study are intended to inform the development of outreach and education efforts around hatcheries science and management, there are no findings yet to report. Analyses are underway and results will be presented in publications, reports, and additional education and outreach in 2025.


ODFW Flickr

Management Implications

The results of this study will inform hatcheries outreach, education and engagement in Oregon by supporting more tailored communication to different fisheries audiences and more effective facilitation of stakeholder consultations.


Olfactory Imprinting


Timing of Release